Medaline is an American actress and singer who was born on 1st May 1992 at Pitman, New Jesey. She is critically acclaimed for her role in Netflix series Orange is the New Black and Hemlock Grove. She has graduated from American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City in 2002. She was crowned as Miss Pittman in 2010. She also acted in a episode of Anthology series Black Mirror named Men against Fire and a new project Flesh and Blood. In 2017 she completed Hedgehog. Her ole was also acclaimed in Stalker(2014) and The Grimm(2015-16).
Madeline Brewer Religion
Madeline believes in humanity. She has tweeted " If you're not fighting AGAINST AHCA you're not fighting FOR this perfect little guy". She always tweets on the matter of harassment and terrorism and security of nation. As per upbringing she can be assumed as Christian but she belves her acting is only her religion.
Madeline Brewer Political Views
Madeline has supported Barack Obama. Sometimes her re-tweets mock at Donald Trump so it can be assumed that she follows Democratic party. She is quite liberal in thoughts and believes in humanity to help and motivate others. She always tries to mingle with the crowd at the time of premier so she can be assumed as earth person. She appreciates people's reviews about her and her acting.
Who is she dating?
Madeline is quite shy about discussing her personal life with media. She enjoys company of her co stars but has not witnessed any kind of relationship status up-till now. She can be assumed to be single. She is active since 2013 in her career.
Madeline Brewer Hobbies
Madeline is trained and skilled singer. She is trying to release some music album also. She loves handcrafts. In her leisure time she tries new concept of paper crafts. She has tweeted"this week on "things i've learned while living in hotels for weeks on end": how to make tupperware out of a tissue box". She enjoyed paying character Miranda Caste in Hemlock Grove because the character is graphic artist.
Interesting Facts
She has a septum piercing.
Madeline cornrows that her character on Orange is the New Black(2013) wore took 20 minutes to apply and were applied every time she came to set.
Her nick name is Maddie.
She was a waitress before her acting career.
Her height is 5'3".