Zooey Deschanel is an American actress, singer and song writer who was born on 17th January 1980 at Los Angeles, California, USA. She is the daughter of Academy award nominated choreographer Caleb Deschanel and Mary Jo Deschanel. She started her acting career with movie Mumford in 1999. She is wellknown for her comic role in movie The Good Girl(2002), The New Guy(2002), Failure to Launch(2006),Elf(2003), Yes Man(2008) and 500 Days of Summer(2009). Alongwith her acting skill she is a very good singer. he acted and sang in Disney production The Wonderful World of Disney: Once Upon a Mattress.
Zooey Deschanel Religion
Zooey mother is roman catholic and her father is Quaker. But she was liberal in her thoughts and beliefs. She didn't belie in any religion but as soon as love came into her life she was converted into Judaism. Jacob Pechenic has brought this change into her life. It doesn't matter for her to be in any religion. She just believe in love and for love she was converted to Judaism.For her this conversion is just a piece of paper.
Zooey Deschanele Political Views
She is registered democrat. She believes that all are equal and posses equal possibility to grow that's why she supports Democratic party in open. She has participated in their election campaign also. She never hides her beliefs and thoughts as she is broadminded girl. She believes in giving and charity.
Who is she dating?
Zooey is in relationship since 2008. She started her romantic relationship with musician Ben Gibbard and they got married in 2009. But soon they got separated in 2011. Afterwards she fell in love with Jacob Pechenik in 2015. She is in true love with him and she changed her religion even and converted into Judaism. They have one beautiful daughter and a cute son.
Zooey Deschanel Hobbies
She loves singing. She always appreciates her role in Elf. Music gives her inspiration and motivation She also likes writing. She spends her leisure time by writing songs and try to give them melody. She plays piano and the baritone ukulele. We hope we will get some melodious composition from her soon.
Interesting Facts
She was named after male character in J. D. Salinger "Franny and Zooey".
She joined Northwestern University for graduation but dropped out.
Zooey is a big fan of actress Parker Posey.
She has sung in her own film Elf.
Prounciation of her name is "Zooh ee"
Her surname is pronounced as "Day shush nell"
She is allergic to dairy products.